Friday, 11 March 2011

Apple-The health saviour

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away only if one aims properly. From my experience it really keeps you healthy and fit. Believe me.

1Vitamin CImproves immune system
2Low in caloriesA regular size apple has between 70-100 calories. It itself contains sugar, but gives you only ¼ of the calories.
3FlavonoidsPrevent Heart Diseases
4Prevent CancersApples target multiple cancers such as colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer in women.
5PhenolsPhenols have a double effect on cholesterol. It reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.
6Prevent tooth decayThe juice of the apples has properties that can kill up to 80% of bacteria. So there you have it, an apple a day also keeps the dentist away
7Protects your brain from brain diseaseApple has substances called phytonutrients, which prevents neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonism
8Healthier LungsA research at the University of Nottingham Research shows that people who eat 5 apples or more per week has lower respiratory problems, including asthma.

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